Supporter Information - Hibernian (H)
Those travelling to the match should be aware of weather warnings associated with Storm Eowyn this weekend. You are asked to check the weather and your travel route, adjusting the journey accordingly. Please plan your journey carefully.
For all other up-to-date travel information across Scotland, please visit: Police Scotland Travel Advice, Traveline Scotland and Scottish Road Works.
Roadwork details
Location – A9 northbound dual carriageway between the Allangrange Junction and Tore Roundabout.
Convoy Works
Roadwork description
Works: Lining Works, Resurfacing, Gully, Ironwork Repairs
Traffic Management: Convoy Working (10mph)
We remind all supporters that unacceptable conduct will not be tolerated, anyone caught in possession of pyrotechnics, throwing objects, causing damage, entering the trackside or field of play, or bringing in bottles/cans into the stadium can expect action to be taken.
The Club will continue to support the actions of Police Scotland and the courts in acting against anyone detected carrying out a breach of the Ground Regulations or being involved in unacceptable conduct.
The use of pyrotechnics is a criminal offence and action will be taken against those caught in possession on the day, similarly anyone identified through the post-match review of CCTV will face similar action sanctions by the Club.
Finally, please listen to and follow instructions given by Police Scotland, stewards and over the PA System, before, during and after the match.